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Monday, 27 September 2010

Farewell Love - A Short Film

Entirely told through pictures with underlying music, this narrative shows a couple breaking up. Probably not the most romantic story but it has some features that I could possibly use, such as the pictures to tell a story.
This film follows the Active Audience Theory in that we all decode a media text in a different way which depends on our social background. If someone has been in this situation, they may be more sympathetic towards their own gender or the other.
It has a closed narrative because at the end of the film we can conclude that the woman has left him and they will not be together again. The narrative also follows a linear form because it demonstrates cause and effect - the woman has made the decision to give the ring back, therefore she is leaving the man. It could also fit in to Domaille's theory and can fit into the narrative type of either Romeo and Juliet (A typical love story) or Orpheus (the loss of something personal). In this film, there has been a romance but they also lose each other.

Music / Sound:
Quite an unusual sound. Reminds me of something surreal or sea-associated. Portrays quite a solemn atmosphere and what that is confusing and disorientating.
Diegetic sound of a bell (church?) and a train moving by.

Though there are no moving images as such, the photographs still show different angles such as: Long Shot, Close-Up, Medium Shot, Profile Shot,

Shallow Depth Of Field.
Fade from black to image, slow zoom in, slow zoom out, fade in, fade out to black, cut.
Colour is made to be brighter.

Desolate location - suggesting that she needed a quiet location to leave him.
Male is wearing a clean, blue shirt - representative of male gender.
Female wears dark blue dress - again dress symbol of feminime.

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