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Thursday, 25 November 2010

Radio Advert Research - 2

I found it really difficult trying to download / find examples of film trailers advertised on the radio. Despite hearing them on local radio stations such as KC.FM, Viking.FM and Humberside Radio, there was no evidence for me hearing them. So, I looked at conventions of radio adverts.

Conventions of Radio Adverts (in general) :
- often last between 30 to 40 seconds.

- have either 1 or 2 voice overs.
- repetition of phrases or words (like a brain-washing technique).
- music is often used, this is normally catchy or associated with the advert.
- the voices are often energetic and over enthusiastic.
- directly addresses the audience with "you". This creates a link with the voice over (wo)man, and the listeners.
- jingles/phrases are used to help "sell" the advert.

- voice overs are often known actors / actresses.

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